Law 159/198 of 1981 on Joint Stock Companies

Category: Competition

Member State: Egypt

Document Language: English

Law 159/198 of 1981 on Joint Stock Companies

September 1981

Law No.159/198 of 1998 was issued by the President of the Republic on 17 September 1981 and published in the official gazette on the first of October 1981. This Law cancels :Law no. 26/1954 embodying certain provisions relating to shareholder companies, limited liability companies and joint stock companies with share; law no.244/1960 relating to incorporation in shareholder companies ; law no.137/1961 concerning the formation of administrative Boards of shareholder companies; as well as any provisions discord with its provisions .The provisions of the law hereto are applicable on shareholder companies, joint stock companies with shares, and limited liability companies.