Legislative Decree 21 of 2001 on Bahrain Commercial Companies Law (BCCL)

Category: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

Member State: Bahrain

Document Language: English

Legislative Decree 21 of 2001 on Bahrain Commercial Companies Law (BCCL)

June 2001

Decree No. 21 of 2001 was established by the Prince of the Kingdom of Bahrain on 20 June 2001 . This Decree promulgates the Commercial Companies Law . The promulgated Law repeals the Commercial Companies Law promulgated by Decree No (28) of 1975 and any provision in conflict with its provisions. The new Commercial Companies Law deals with the Limited Partnership Companies, Joint Stock Companies , Limited Partnership by shares , Limited Liability Company, Single Person Company , Holding Company , Conversion of Companies, Merger of Companies , Termination of Company, Foreign Capital Companies, Control and Inspection, and penalties .